Connecting Companies

Great features for our premium members. Be a member now & start to use these features.

Go green in your business

Online sharing is a perfect way to reduce using paper and save the green.

Business Network needs Private messaging

Every premium member has a professional business network in expokent. Send private messages to any other member. Your messages already classified according to expokent members so you can find them easily.

Your contact information in a compact form

Page visitors can print your contact information with a click besade adding them through QR code to any mobile platform.

Need an app?

Every member of expoent have an app on iPad and iPhone with full mobile ready content. Your brand will be more reachable in mobile world.

Great tools for brand networking

Be a Premium member to increase your worldwide network and create new business opportunities.

Unlimited Catalogs

Upload & share yor catalogs online instead of sending them by mail. With every catalog you will have a QR Code which enables you sharing them easily.

Contact all members with Advert

A tool to share news and updates about your company. Using advert keeps you in touch with your cstomers. Annonce your offers to all members with just one click.

One place for your products

Add products and services to your expokent page with GTİP code for each one and full description to increase your sales.

Easy way to share your catalogs and contacts with your customers. Scanning QR code is enough to add your contact infotmation to mobile devices.

Scratch the back of your Premium Card and enter the code below

Premium Registration


Can be used only once
Or sign up free with limited features.